Saturday, September 21, 2019

We Got A New Roof and Solar Power!

New Roof + Solar
A few months after the completion of our new bathroom, we finally got a new metal roof. And it looks great! In addition to our new metal roof, we also got additional insulation under the roof and we added solar panels to the roof. Yea, it was a busy year!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Our New Bathroom!

Bathroom Vanity
I know it's been a while since the past post. But we were getting some traction with the City, so I figured it was best to just keep a (relatively) low profile and close out the open permits on the house. And that's exactly what happened. Last year, we completed our new bathroom and a month or two after that, we finally got the City to approve our alley. So, as of this moment, the City isn't harassing us and nobody has their hand in our checking account. It's a good feeling.